Charting the way FORWARD
These are exciting times for Texas A&M University.

With nearly 70,000 students, Texas A&M is one of the nation’s five largest universities, and its research funding is approaching the $1 billion mark. In August 2020, Washington Monthly’s annual college rankings placed Texas A&M number twelve overall and number four among public universities in the United States based on how well the University serves the country as a whole.
The Hagler Institute’s goal is to help set Texas A&M on a trajectory to become the number-one public university in the United States.
The Hagler Institute has added dramatically to the academic quality of Texas A&M. The Institute has averaged about nine new fellows each year for the last five years. In the immediate future, the Institute would like to increase the number of new fellows into the teens. A long-term goal is to reach twenty Hagler Fellow appointments per year.
- stronger “buy in” by under-participating colleges to use the Institute to enhance their programs;
- additional endowed Hagler Institute college chairs, at least one per college, to make fellows more affordable; and
- additional fellowship endowments for graduate students to work with fellows.
A Hagler Institute College Chair ensures a college’s participation in the Hagler Institute’s mission for the life of Texas A&M. For the donor who wants to increase a college’s participation, funding a Hagler Institute College Chair is essential. Chair earnings typically pay for all costs of fellows and are used only for that purpose. Hagler Institute College Chairs and graduate student fellowships are among the most prestigious in the University because they represent a perpetual sequence of world-class scholars. They also are among the largest endowed positions, at $3 million per chair and $800,000 per fellowship. These chairs and fellowships are permanently named for the donors. For our long-term goal of bringing twenty new outstanding scholars to Texas A&M, the Institute seeks donors of new estate planned gifts. The Institute’s planned gifts are established through The Texas A&M Foundation for the sole benefit of the Hagler Institute. These gifts can take many forms and can have beneficial tax advantages for the donor.
Abraham Lincoln said, “The best way to predict your future is to create it.” Please join our colleagues in the Legacy Society and help create the future by giving back to Texas A&M through the Hagler Institute for Advanced Study.

FOR INQUIRIES, CONTACT Jason Penry, Ph.D. Assistant Vice President, Texas A&M Foundation 979-458-5913 | or Clifford L. Fry, Ph.D. Associate Director, Hagler Institute 979-458-5723 |
One of the nation’s five largest universities with nearly
70,000 Students
Approaching $1 Billion
in research funding